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Category Overview

πŸ“– Table of Contents​

πŸ“· Images​

Enhance your mood with a random image of an animal from the available options or an image of coffee to boost your energy!

  • Bird - Send a random fact and image of a bird.
  • Cat - Send a random fact and image of a cat.
  • Coffee - Send a random image of coffee.
  • Dog - Send a random fact and image of a dog.
  • Duck - Send a random image of a duck.
  • Fox - Send a random fact and image of a fox.
  • Kangaroo - Send a random image of a kangaroo.
  • Koala - Send a random fact and image of a koala.
  • Panda - Send a random fact and image of a panda.
  • Raccoon - Send a random fact and image of a raccoon.
  • Red Panda - Send a random fact and image of a red panda.
  • Whale - Send a random image of a whale.

❓ Information​

Whether you’re a fan of anime or manga, Digimon or Disney, or just curious about a term, you’ll find everything you need here!

  • Anime - Sends the user information about a queried anime, obtained from MAL.
  • Digimon - Sends the user information about a queried digimon.
  • Disney - Retrieve information about a specified disney character.
  • Guess User - Determine the age, gender, and nationality of a user based on their name.
  • Manga - Sends the user information about a queried manga, obtained from MAL.
  • Manhua - Sends the user information about a queried manhua, obtained from MAL.
  • Manhwa - Sends the user information about a queried manhwa, obtained from MAL.
  • Minecraft - Return an image of the minecraft avatar for a specific username/uid.
  • Top Anime - Sends the user information about the top 10 anime (all time or airing), obtained from MAL.
  • Top Manga - Sends the user information about the top 10 manga (all time or publishing), obtained from MAL.
  • Urban - Provides the definition for a given term from Urban Dictionary.

πŸ˜‚ Memes​

Generate memes to enjoy with your friends, using easy prompts!

  • Buzz Lightyear - Send a Buzz Lightyear Everywhere meme with your desired text.
  • Change My Mind - Send a Change My Mind meme with your desired text.
  • Daily Struggle - Send a Daily Struggle meme with your desired text.
  • Drake - Send a Drake Hotline Bling meme with your desired text.
  • Kermit Mind Your Business - Send a But That's None of My Business Kermit meme with your desired text.
  • Knuckles - Send a Ugandan Knuckles meme with your desired text.
  • Mordor - Send a One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor meme with your desired text.
  • Philosoraptor - Send a Philosoraptor meme with your desired text.
  • Spongebob - Send a Mocking Spongebob meme with your desired text.
  • Winnie - Send a Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh meme with your desired text.

πŸ•ΉοΈ Minigames​

The cure for boredom. Beat the bot and have a blast!

πŸ›‘οΈ Moderation​

Use these commands to manage the server effectively and efficiently!

  • Ban - Bans the mentioned user from the server.
  • Kick - Kicks the mentioned user from the server.
  • Remove Timeout - Remove the timeout on the mentioned user.
  • Create Role - Creates a new role based on the inputted name and colour.
  • Timeout - Timeout the mentioned user from the server.
  • Unban - Unban the mentioned user from the server.

🎲 Random​

An assortment of commands that provide you with random pieces of information such as motivating you with a quote or making you laugh with a joke!

  • Advice - Send a random piece of advice.
  • Affirmation - Send a random affirmation.
  • Anime Quote - Send a random quote from an anime.
  • Bored - Suggest a random activity to the user.
  • Comic - Sends a random xkcd comic in the channel.
  • Fact - Send a random fact.
  • Harry Potter - Get information about a random Harry Potter character.
  • Joke - Receive a random joke.
  • Programming Joke - Send a random programming joke.
  • Pun - Send a random pun.
  • Quote - Send a random quote.
  • Shakespeare - Send a random sonnet written by William Shakespeare.
  • Thrones - Get information about a random Game of Thrones character.

βš”οΈ Troopica​

Rise to the top of your server by amassing wealth and troops!

  • Attack - Deploy your troops against another user, may the odds be in your favor.
  • Balance - Retrieve your balance, including how many troops you posess.
  • Daily - Retrieve your daily supplement of currency and troops.
  • Leaderboard - See the top 10 players within the leaderboards.
  • Purchase - Purchase troops to add to your army.

πŸ› οΈ Utility​

Additional commands that can prove useful to yourself or the server!

  • Calculate - Calculate a given mathematical expression.
  • Create Channel - Create a new channel of the specified type.
  • Delete Channel - Deletes a mentioned channel.
  • Help - Access a list of commands that can be used with Urvo.
  • Prune - Deletes a specified number of messages in the given channel.
  • Server Info - Retrieve information about the server.