All Classes and Interfaces
The CodePropertyGraph which contains all the classes and relations
A relationship that exists between two classes, with a type and associated multiplicity (if any)
A class within the
.An attribute belonging to a class
The type belonging to a given CPGClass.
A method belonging to a class
Each individual line of code that exists within a method body
A parameter which belongs to a method
All the potential modifiers that can exist on a class, attribute or method
A class that contains potentially helpful lists containing info such as all attributes, all methods,
all method calls, all Parameters, all class names within cpg.
A Lazy Class is a class that is under used.
MethodStat contains stats relevant to a given method pertaining to how it is used within cpg.
An Orphan Variable/Constant Class can be defined as a collection of constants
that belong elsewhere than the class they are defined within.
A class that is meant to represent that packages that exist within a given codebase.
A file that exists within a package, can contain 1 or more classes
The Parser class that reads in the JSON source code of the project that is being analysed and then
converts the JSON code to a code property object
A class that does not use all of its inherited properties from its superclass.
The RelationshipManager is responsible for adding relations to the CodePropertyGraph object
and adding relationships to each CPGClass's outwardRelations attribute.
Each detection is represented by a code
fragment object containing the appropriate
information needed to identify what
the problem is in the CPG.
A class that is meant to contain potentially useful statistics that can aid in the detection of code smells and
for general use case purposes including determining potential bugs within the CodeSmell tool itself.